
Jun Hyung and Dong Woon: Voices of Sex

I haven't talked about BEAST lately, because I'm still not feeling them entirely. I mean, they're okay during live performances, not amazing. But they're rookies, so it's okay. I do listen to repeatedly and dance around to "Bad Girl." All the time.

And I mean all the time. I listen to it just as much as I listen to MBLAQ's "Oh Yeah." That's a lot, because I adore my rookie lovelies.

While I'm still not feeling them as a whole, there are certain members that I do like. And surprisingly, Jun Hyung is one of those members.


Unsurprisingly, so is Dong Woon.


Do you know why? It's because of their voices.

They're raspy and kind of remind me of how they'd sound after going to a concert or riding a rollercoaster fifty millions times. Can you imagine their raspy voices letting out sex grunts?

Thinking of that glorious sound is enough for me to love them. I might not dig their style, but oh hell, do I dig their voices. It isn't as deep and oh-my-God-I-want-you-so-fucking-bad as Sex God's voice, but it still makes me want them.

And you know that once I start wanting an idol, his presence on the blog is flaunted harder than Sex Apprentice's abs.

Welcome JH and DW! I'll have some nicknames and categories for you shortly!

Click here and really pay attention to the raspy sex that laces their voices.



  1. I'm proud of you for finding something nice to say! XD

    Agreed. They've both got really unique sort of gravelly voices. Dongwoon's voice does things to me. @_____@

  2. I don't like talking mean about them. But their stylists have made it really hard for me to like them, so I haven't been posting anything about them because I'll be mean. They don't deserve that lol

  3. .....JH's hair.....

    poor bb.
    dammit, i'll find a stylist for you! just please, PLEASE get rid of the one you have now! i don't care if you have to kill him/her/IT (because i don't think a human could do that), just...GAH.

    (btw, he kind of reminds me of GD in a weird bizarre way)

  4. You are not the only one who thinks of GD when you see JH. I think it's the style and the somewhat cocky facial expression lol

  5. Hate JH's hair - but yes I also think he has some GD potential going on here - I thought that from the moment I first saw him. I would love to see what his true style is...love his voice - love his face - hate the hair & I HATE their stylist!
    In time I think we will start to see the true BEAST & I think we are all gonna like what we see!

  6. have you see the "Lights so ggo on again" mv?
    oh god. junhyung.
