
Have I Mentioned How Much I Love SeungHo's Lips?

I have?

Okay ... well, do you mind if I mention it again? I don't care what you say, actually. I'm going to obsess over them, anyway.


SeungHo has a gorgeous smile. Just gorgeous. Look at those pearly whites! You'd never know that they were hidden behind those plump pink lovelies when his mouth is closed. I love that smile and his rather long neck. Yeah, it's a little longer than the average man's neck, but think of it like this ...

There is a greater area of skin to cover with kisses and saliva.

But moreso than the perfect smile is the fact that SeungHo likes to lick his thick, juicy lips.



Boo, you need to pull out the Starburst flavored Lip Smackers and lace those babies to keep them from getting dry and chapped. Or are you waiting for me to lick them to keep them moist for you?

If that's the case, give me a day to get to Seoul. I'll be hopping on a flight ASAP. I should be there by tomorrow night, where not only will I lick your lips and keep them properly hydrated, but I'll also strip your clothes off with my teeth right after you strip mine off with those chompers of yours.

Wouldn't that be a fantastic job? To lick every male idol's lips to keep them naturally moist and to prevent them from becoming chapped? Could you imagine the make-out sessions that would no doubt ensue? And could you also imagine what would happen after the make-out sessions grew a little too intense?

I think I need to create this job and be the only person who does it in South Korea and all of East Asia.



  1. HA HA HA - DANG now look who having some dirrrty thoughts!
    Ya know he does have really nice teeth also!

  2. SEUNG HO possesses the LIPS of SEX. Period.

  3. LIPS of SEX - that is a perfect name for him!

  4. OH.MY.GOODNESS. I think that is all I can say right now...

    I'm sure he can unwrap a Starbust in his mouth with those teeth of his.
