
I Can't Take Zin Tae Hwa Seriously

For one, he's blonde. Not like GD blonde, but like, "OH MY GOD WHY IS YOUR HAIR PREMATURELY WHITE?" kind of blonde. I can deal with the blonde thing, though. Really, I can. Sure I might hate it and grumble and post billions of blogs about how it's such a heinous look and threaten to bitch-slap the boy's stylist from thousands of miles away ... but I can deal.

The reason why I cannot take Zin Tae Hwa seriously is because of this:


It looks oddly similar to this:


I'm not a Lady Gaga fan, personally. And while GD might be the male version of her ... well, at least he doesn't look as ridiculous as her. Not all the time, anyway.

Zinny, fix your birds nest situation, then we'll talk.



  1. Now I do love Lady Ga Ga - great style even though sometimes it is a touch crazy - her style is more like art then just clothes & she has an amazing voice. However, I agree that I am just not feeling Zinny. I have seen him as an angel & as the devil version (all in black) neither one is really doing anything for me. Song is ok. It is not so much the hair - there is something about the features on his face that I find odd - not really sure exactly what it is - who knows maybe it will pass but for right now - ummm I am just not feeling Zinny.

  2. I will admit SOMETIMES her style is "art." Other times ... I mean, you've seen the Kermit the frog shaw thing she wore, right? Yeah, that's not art, it's just ridiculous. And you cannot cannot CANNOT tell me the above picture of her is art, because I will force you via internet to take your temperature to make sure you aren't running a fever.

    I think (in the above picture at least) the photoshopping job was a bit extreme, because his skin looks like he's been working outside, sweating all day and he's dirty, but his hair looks so bright and clean. It doesn't look right.

  3. True sometimes I think she takes it a bit too far & makes her self look ridiculous BUT overall I think she is fantastic. I agree with the pic of Zin - he just looks so unnatural...

  4. Wow. His hair and her..um...I don't know what it actually is, but they look scarily similar.
