
That Baby Daddy List Sure Made Someone Happy

All of you blog-stalkers enjoyed BIGBANG Friday and couldn't wait for me to reveal who my baby daddy was. Obviously it was Master GD ... and also Sex God. Seriously, c'mon, how was I supposed to choose between them? It's impossible.

Even though I did choose Sex God as a second baby daddy, I chose Master GD as my first. And because I chose him first it made him happy. So happy that he decided to wear his hair like this for me.


No curls. No hair in his eyes, hiding those big brown irises. Just pure awesome. And I see that your roots are coming in rather nicely, lovely.

And doesn't it look a little like the hairstyle SeungHo has been rockin' since debut? Yes, it does. And haven't I been obsessing over SH something hardcore since Thursday? Yes, I have. I swear GD Baby must be reading this.

Regardless of whether or not he's blog-stalking me, my lovely was looking and acting incredibly sexy. Check out Master GD's performance of "A Boy" this past Sunday. You'll definitely want to check out the two-second wardrobe change.

Just saying ... I could have his clothes off much faster than that.



  1. I know my friend & I were watching it - & about fell over when we saw GD. He looks AMAZING!! I told her (CM) that GD was working hard to make Addict happy. He wants to stay on TOP! (haha) Loved the 2 sec wardrobe change - he must have had that skirt tucked up under that sweet sweatshirt (which I really wish I could purchase)
    This was one of GD's hottest performances - almost as hot as your blog about the 3 sets of lips! ;)

  2. He looked so angry sexy.

    Like, "I know you're watching, TKPA. And I'm pissed that you had me waiting to find out officially what I already knew, but I'm happy that you chose me and I can't wait 'til you come to Korea so we can get started on making that baby."

    Seriously, just look at his face in that picture. That's exactly what he's thinking.

    I'm waiting for him to do something ridiculous now, because of the lips post haha.

  3. Yeah something drastic is headed your way...maybe next time he will just be on stage butt naked on a bed of flowers - then you will shut up about those damn lips! LOL

  4. If he does that, I better be the only one in that damn audience! Private show ;)

  5. I'm getting more and more into Master GD now.
    I think the hairstyle rocks in this performance.

    On an unrelated matter, I'm a little embarassed to say this, but as much as TOP-biased as u know I am, I think......I love GD more in Let Me Hear Your Voice MV..?! HE LOOKS AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS **fangirls**

    Step up your game now SG, Master GD is quickly claiming his rightful spot in my heart!

  6. Don't worry. Sex God has a way of letting others take your attention before coming out of no where and hitting you like a semi-truck. It's happened to me lots of times.

  7. SG hits ya more like a freight train - right when I think - ok SG is hot & all but GD is so AMAZING & so is Tae & oh then my Dae looks so good - & then WHAMMMMM MUTHA FUCKERS SG blasts me with one of his stare downs or yells at me in a rap & I am like HOLY FUCK SG is HELLA FINE - for example this is one of the times when SG hit me hard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfYfLlB0Fe8
    especially @: 1:45 - DAMN!!! Makes me want him every time!
    I think this is one of the times that SG was tormented over Addict's love of GD - Addict why do you torment him so?? LOL

    AND then there is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ25ksQziHg
    @0:39 - it just makes me want to stay!!
    @2:42 - just watch!
    @3:19 - damn he looks good in red light
    @4:17-4:45 it is like have HOT youtube sex w/ him OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The sweat @ the end...& then he just walks away!
    and you know Addict is running after him at this point & screaming...GD? GD who?

  8. What was that?

    TKPA was just hit by a freight train by the name of Sex God?

    Fuck. Yes.

  9. I know right>? Everytime I hear that song I vision those performances - talk about some endless nights tossing & turning in the bed & then feeling so guilty in the morning! ;)

  10. I'm sorry, GD who, again?

  11. Knew you couldn't stay away from SG.
