
Sex God and Role Playing: A Fantastic Mix

Whoever suggested that Sex God should venture into the world of acting, let me just say, on behalf of every fan girl in the world … thank you. You, my friend, deserve a very special place in Heaven for your good deed.

I watched Sex God in IRIS … oh, man. It spawned so many risqué thoughts in my brain that I am truly going to have to pay strict attention to what I write so I don't go overboard and go past my limits.

He plays a sadistic assassin in the show and there has to be something seriously wrong with me in order to think that's sexy. I mean, I know it's just acting and everything, but if in reality Sex God was a highly trained killing machine … I wouldn't care. Sure, I'd have my friends and family check in on me every day to make sure that I was still alive, and I'd probably walk on egg shells every day in my life so I wouldn't piss him off … but just look at him! Seriously, I'd so date him even if he was an assassin.

But he isn't, thankfully, because I firmly believe I'm too pretty to die young and I'd hate to be killed over an insanely huge credit card bill. Because sadistic assassins don't fuck around with outrageous credit card bills, man.

This leaves open one option that no doubt Sex God and I will indulge in … role play.

Oh, hell yes!

Oh, yes, I went there.

He'll be the violent hired gun that will sneak around in the shadows of the apartment while I play the moronic, oblivious girl who dies within the first ten minutes of a horror film. You know exactly which girl I'm talking about.

Only in this little role playing fantasy, I will not die. Sex God will appear out of the shadows, all stealth mode and it'll scare me half to death, seeing as how a strange man is in my home (regardless if he's the hottest man on Earth). He won't say a word, he'll just stand there, smoldering intensely. And of course because of his silence, I'll start to beg and plead him not to kill me and then he'll say something along the lines of, "Convince me why I shouldn't," and …

It's your imagination's turn. Mine is currently in a tizzy.

Another scenario is that we'd both be spies, like a total Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing. Minus the whole shooting at each other part, but including the destruction of odds and ends (because that lamp his mother gave us truly is heinous).

Sex God looks like he's into role playing, plain and simple. Because what kind of sex god would he be if he didn't enjoy it?



  1. & you busted my brain again with a T.O.P post.

    Seriously, I think I broke a vein in my head.

    "He won't say a word, he'll just stand there, smoldering intensely"

    'Smoldering intensely' would be the most perfect way to describe T.O.P

    I'm more excited than how I sound here, but trust me, I'm nearly foaming at the mouth with excitement!


  2. I busted my own damn brain writing that post.

  3. I wont even mention what happened to me while reading that post but DAMN I need to some how get my toes to uncurl they are starting to cramp! That was HOT!

  4. The bi-monthly roleplay planning session.. *sighs* Ahhhh good times.
