
Addict v. Junkie: The Kim Heechul Debate

The K-Pop Addict - FOR

Why do I love Kim Heechul? It isn’t because of his porcelain, clear-as-crystal skin that is only obtainable through Photoshop, that’s for damn sure.

Heechul is hands down the biggest attention-whore in Super Junior. Even the die-hard ELFs cannot deny that fact. God created Heechul and put him on this Earth for a sole purpose: to entertain the masses. Whenever he is in front of a camera, he switches into make-the-audience-laugh-hysterically mode. And even though he gives off a nonchalant, uncaring attitude about pretty much anything that doesn’t directly involve him, this boy busts his ass with his jam-packed schedules. A hard worker is always admirable.

I love his eccentric personality. The fact that he made the members audition for who would participate in the Super Junior cover of “Gee,” is laughable in its very own right. How the hell he convinced these guys to go on stage in front of thousands of sexually frustrated teenage girls is beyond me, but anyone who can get Kangin to cross dress deserves major kudos. The master of imitation, Heechul probably spends hours standing in front of the mirror, perfecting his unique gift. While there he probably admires how man-gorgeous he is, but that’s a topic for the opposition, not the pro.

Honestly, Super Junior would be dull without Heechul, as he is truly one of a kind. Sure, he gives off a bit of a douche vibe every now and then, but his heart is pure gold, which is the only thing that matters. I platonically love this man and I have fully embraced the zaniness that comes wrapped in a too-pretty-for-words, almost-androgynous package.

You either love him or hate him.

The K-Pop Junkie - AGAINST

Okay, where do I begin?

First off, he is way way WAY too pretty/feminine looking. He makes me look like an ogre. I mean, could anyone compare to him when he puts on women dresses and when he has long hair? He completely would look better than any girl at prom. That is just depressing. He is called a flower for a reason.

Second, he is a complete douche in one of the videos I watched of the boys. He was just so rude and mean. He talked about how if a girl he is meeting up with is late he will just leave and not feel bad about it. I mean sometimes people are late with good reason. (I am always early for everything). What if he did that to you and you were stuck on the middle of the highway with a flat tire and no cell phone? SO RUDE! Plus, I bet he takes longer to get ready then most girls do and he is late all the time. Bet you! Then if he tells a girl what he wants them to wear and they don’t wear it he is mad at them. It is called freedom and we aren’t in the thirteenth century and ruled by men anymore.

Thirdly, The K-Pop Addict informed me how he handled his first kiss. He wiped it off so he could continue watching the Lion King. I mean I love the Lion King but if a guy wanted to kiss me, I would be all over that and rewind the movie. For real.

No offense to the petals out there, this is just my opinion, because he can be funny sometimes.

What are your thoughts on Heechul? Love him? Hate him? Come debate with us!
*Note: Seeing as how this debate became extremely heated between The K-Pop Junkie and myself, the two of us will refrain from posting under this topic, as it is still a completely sore spot between us and because we cannot shake off the ridiculously bizarre threats made. You, however, may comment all you like. I'll still answer you.*


  1. Junkie, you have had it out for Heechul from day one, ever since you saw that video. Can't you give the guy a break? I mean, he's being completely honest about the situation.

    Is it really so hard for you to call and say, "Hey, I'm going to be late because I have a flat tire and I'm a few miles away." It's not hard, not at all. Granted, he should probably call and ask where you are, but you're the one meeting him. I'm sure if he was running late because of events that were out of his hand, he'd call you.

    Also, you totally miscontrued the whole wardrobe comment. How would you like it if your Normal Boyfriend asked what to wear when meeting your parents so he'd look presentable, and he showed up wearing something completely hideous, completely disregarding your suggestion? You'd be a little ticked too. Why waste all that time if he wasn't even going to listen?

    All I'm saying is give the poor guy a break before the petals of the world unite and hunt you down.

  2. Addict, really if he can be such a douche in 2 minutes of a video I think he can be an even bigger one all the time. Just something I have noticed about guys. If my first impression is bad it won't change unless I see something that changes it completely.

    First off I said that the flat tire person did not have a cell phone. I would call/text if I was running late because it is polite. BUT it is polite to wait for the person you are meeting even if they are late. I would never just leave after ten minutes.

    You are right I would be ticked but I believe he was talking about girl when it is just him and them. Not a special occasion like meeting my parents. Plus, you know guys don't listen well anyways.....

    I don't think Super Junior would be dull with out him. There are too many attention whores that would only shine that much more. Also, maybe because Heechul is in the spot light so much it makes it hard for the other members to stand out.

    May I ask what is his obsession with cross dressing? Why does he do it and make friends do it? It is just plain weird.....

    I would give him a chance if I met him, but since I will most likely not I will stay with opinion of dislike.

  3. Junkie, at least he IS a douche in the first two minutes, which shows you exactly what you're getting into. Seriously, I don't know how many times I've dated a guy and they're all nice and sweet and perfect and a few months into it, they flip the switch and become a total ass. I'd rather know what I'm getting myself into, instead of spending quality time with Ben & Jerry and The Notebook, you know?

    I read over the no cell phone part. You know I don't read things carefully the first time. True, it is polite to wait, but for an incredibly impatient and busy person such as Heechul (who has like a million things to do on his daily schedule), wasted time is a no-go.

    The same applies to a date or special occasion or meeting of the folks. If I'm asked what they should wear and take time out of ME getting ready to tell them what they should wear, they better freaking be wearing it when we meet up later. Because that not only is ridiculously frustrating not to be listened to, but to waste precious cell phone minutes is just wrong.

    I don't know why he cross dresses. I am with you on that one hundred percent. The only answer I can give you is that it's for entertainment purposes (but that's just what I tell myself).

    AND HOW DARE YOU SAY SUPER JUNIOR WOULDN'T BE DULL WITHOUT KIM HEECHUL!!! If I was right next to you, I would have thrown my shoe at you after reading that horrible, horrible sentence. It's inexcusable, Junkie. Super Junior is made collectively of thirteen, UNIQUE individuals, and without Heechul, there would be less entertainment, less of a three-ring-circus going on. And anything LESS than what those boys currently are is considered blasphemy.

    Honestly, what's wrong with you?

  4. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 1:27 AM


    I DID NOT SAY I WANTED HIM OFF!! I JUST SAID IT WOULD NOT BE DULL! JEEZE!!! I in no way meant that he should not be with them because that would be weird. PLUS you could see your lover Teuk become an even more attention whore. Do not throw your shoe at me or I will come at you snapping a towel and you know I would do it.

    Heechul is a douche (I believe) and it is good to know up front so I don't waste time crushing on him like I do with Siwon and Hae.

    That is why I took so long to respond because I read it over again, so no more "wow you take forever." Just because he is busy does not give him an excuse. I am busy all the time and I still wait for my ridiculously late friends. It is just respectful. I would never ever do that ever!

    First off, when a guy tells me what to wear I normally don't where it because it looks ridiculous for the most part. Secondly, I would not be mad if my boyfriend did not wear what we talked about on a date or for the rents if he was presentable. It is okay for them to still be their own self.

    You know it is not just for entertainment. There is some other reason deep down there.

    Let me repeat I do not like Heechul as a person, (if I meet him, we shall see) BUT as a member of Super Junior I like him. Even if I do not ever notice him in videos because I only have eyes for Siwon most of the time.

  5. Junkie, I know you what you meant in regards to a Heechul-less-Super-Junior. But it's good you clarified so the Petals and the ELFs don't track you down via IP address and come looking for you. I think I'll be spared, seeing as how I'm on the pro side. I do not want Teuk to be even more of an attention whore as it is, because I will marry this man and he needs to spend majority of his time with me and our children, not a production crew.

    This is HEECHUL we're talking about. You're seriously not going to take advice from HEECHUL? I would. If it'll make me as pretty (or even remotely close) as him, then I so would.

    SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. He's straight, damn it. He's just extremely comfortable with his masculinity. (God I hope he doesn't end up Super Junior's Lance Bass).

    I love Heechul as a person and as a SuJu member. I'd totally replace you for him, friend-wise.

    I kid, I kid. Mostly.

    And if you come at me with a towel I will seriously punch you in the arm.

  6. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 1:52 AM

    Addict, I am pretty sure they know I mean no harm. I just would like to world to know the douche bag side of the pretty boy.

    Plus you know that Teul would involve you and the children in his attention whore. Next thing you know you are on a reality show about raising kids. Lets hope it doesn't turn into a John and Kate like fail.

    I will not take advice form HEECHUL unless it is on dresses because I bet he will be the Lance Bass of the group. Just because he is a pretty boy does not mean he has good fashion taste. I mean if he did do you think he would put up with the weird outfits Super Junior has dealt with? Think of the girlie, want-a-be bad boys, and weird animal additions to pictures that they have done over the years. The capris need to stop as well. I do not understand that either.

    You would not replace me for him. PSH

    If you punch me in the arm it will turn into a tackle/wrestling. Or just I will poke your poor foot. Ha. If this ever happened I think I would laugh until I couldn't breathe.

  7. You know what? I bet Siwon has a douche side to him, as well.


    I draw the line at bringing cameras home at the end of the day. You know how those Koreans like to place hidden cameras in the bedrooms for the shows they film. I'm sorry, but there would definitely be another kind of "show" surfacing on the internet. That can't happen.

    Hey, he was getting PAID to look ridiculous. We laugh and criticize them and their horrible stylists, but they're laughing when they cash their paychecks. But the capris do need to stop. There needs to be an East Asia-wide ban on men and capris.

    If you touch or come anywhere near my foot I will bitch slap you across the face and make my way to the airport, where I will promptly fly to Seoul and stalk Heechul until we become BFFs, and then I'll post our pictures of our totally awesome adventures all over Facebook and tag you in every single one of them, and if you remove the tag, I'll just do it again.

  8. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 2:21 AM

    OH NO YOU DID NOT!!!!!
    Siwon is a sweetie and he would never be a douche like Heechul. NEVER!!!

    You would totally change your mind about the reality TV when Tuek is like "Oh Honey, Please?? I promise it will be fun and I really really want to do it." His Really would sound like Scooby Doo though.

    He may be have been getting paid but if I were him I would talk to the stylist and be like I LOOK TERRIBLE!!!!!

    If you bitched slapped me I don't think you would get away to runaway to Seoul. No way. I would take you down way before you got away.

    Man, I feel the violence.

    You know for damn sure that I will not let you win this so I am going to go there and say that I will fly to Seoul and get there first some how and hang out with all of them. I will take pictures with all of them. ALL of them! Then stalk all the other boy bands and become their BFFs....As for the tagging go ahead and do it. I will enjoy lurking you as you know I would. Plus, I am way more of a camera whore than you and I am sure they would love my weirdness and we all would crazy with pictures.

    This is ridiculous. The only good come back I had was way to mean to put and I would never do it.

  9. Junkie:

    Yes, actually, I believe I did. Do you want me to say it again, just to clarify? Perhaps you didn't read it correctly the first time, but:


    Now that's douchey.

    You're right, if Teuk said "I rearry rearry want to do it," ... first, I'd die laughing, second, I'd give in. Because if Teuk asks me to do something, I do it. If he tells me to wear a certain dress and style my hair a certain way, I do it. Why? Because he's Leeteuk. And that boy has more fashion game than me.

    Please, you would not last one day in South Korea. You are the pickiest eater ever and if you don't offend them by SMELLING the food before you eat it, you definitely will when you take a weak-ass bite and make the most pitiful face ever, before SPITTING IT OUT. They'll personally drive you to the airport and send you back home. Congrats on offending 48 million people, Junkie!

    Oh, Heechul ... look at what you've done to us.

  10. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 2:42 AM



    Knew it.

    I would do just fine. I did just fine in other countries and you know I do try things when I want to make a good impression. I tried gross food for Normal boyfriend when out to dinner. I can make it because I can always survive on the food I do like. Also, I would never offend them. How is smelling food before I eat it bad? It is a part your sensory system.

    Heechul just set us up with lots of arguments that have nothing to do with him.

  11. It was originally all about Heechul, but of course, like all of our conversations, there is some major side-tracking going on.

    Okay, maybe not as big as Spencer Pratt, but I'm sure he does have some douche moments when there aren't any cameras around. At least Heechul is like, "Accept me as I am."

    Teuk can make me do anything. Case. Closed.

    It's not bad to smell food, but the way YOU smell it, it's like you're being forced to smell Sabby Piscitelli's socks after a football game.

  12. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 2:57 AM

    I really do not think Siwon can be a big douche. Heechul did not even want to talk about being a douche to others until the other members brought it up. So its not "accept me as i am." It is "Oh man I guess I will just go with it."

    Siwon could make me don anything as well. Not G-Dragon though. Had to. Sorry.

    When you smell things it amplifies your taste. If you do not smell then your tastes are off. It helps me decide if I want to eat the unknown food or not.

    Back to Heechul. Maybe we should have an intervention with the cross dressing. It could help.


    Oh, hell no. You just ensured this to spin a whole 'nother course for bringing up my beloved, precious, need-to-wear-sunglasses-indoors-at-night-because-his-hair-is-too-bright, Kwon Ji-Yong. That boy is pure, raw, OMG sex when he's on stage and in performance mode. And even when he's off stage and relaxing, he's the sweetest, carefree individual ever and that is hot and sexy in its own damn way that makes me want to just cuddle and love him and have endless amounts of fun sex all while laughing and giggling and then after his performance it'll be mind-blowing-body-numbing BEST SEX IN THE HISTORY OF SEX because he is a dirty inner freak.


    And Junkie, you clearly do not know the face you make when you're smelling new food. I'll take a picture next time and be sure to show it to you, and I'll then proceed to plaster it all over Facebook and tag you in it, and well ... you know what happens next.

    I do think an intervention is needed. Not only will it be completely beneficial to Heechul, but it will also bring a temporary unity between us and this subject.

  14. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 3:10 AM


    I had to do it. That reaction right there brought tears to my eyes from laughing so hard! :)

    No punching. You know how it would end.

    Do it. I would like to see this face! I have no fear of bad pictures.

    Ok so an intervention is planned. Now if only we could buy the plan ticket...

  15. I can forgive you for not liking Kim Heechul. Really, I can. ELFs and Petals might hate you and love me, but you're entitled to your opinion.


    He had nothing to do with this debate. He was an innocent bystander in all of this. I can never forgive you for that, Junkie. I just can't.

  16. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 3:24 AM

    Never forgive me? lol psh you know you thought it was the funniest thing ever. I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO OFF LIKE THAT.

    I mean no offense ELFs and Petals. No worries.

  17. Heechul loves the men... get used to it. You can still dream about him but know he is atleast bi-curious TY South Park.

  18. I think Heechul is as pretty as pretty gets for a guy and because I'm not a lesbian, I am naturally inclined to appose him in his intirety. He reminds me of that gay guy that who says he likes girls just to be able to relate to the other guys then ATTACK! He is rude and inconsiderate! He is pretty and he freakin knows it ladies. So if you don't want your man running off with that gorgeous mail man better move on....Sorry..=(

  19. Kim Heechul scares me. Like, if I were to accidentally offend him or not agree that he's the best/prettiest person in the world, something would happen to me within 24 hours. I cannot for the life of me get rid of this vibe he gives me, and I don't like it. I just don't understand why it's necessary to be a douche. I like honest guys, even politically incorrect guys, but not ones that are arrogant and mean. Though I admit, if he does love himself that much, it's better that he's honest about it. But it's the fact that he's douchey to others that I can't bring myself to like.

    1) There were some students who swore at Hankyung in Chinese just because he was a foreigner. Heechul immediately came to his defense. Quote: "...he's living alone in a foreign country, and he's such a nice friend too. It made me angry that they did that, just because he was a foreigner."
    2) He really cares about leader Eeteuk, especially when SuJu first formed. He wrote that he had been watching over him when he fell asleep on top of a box, afraid that he would fall over. Quote: "We are their hyungs...but I only have you as my hyung..."
    3) When Yunho of TVXQ was poisoned by an anti, Heechul dropped his idol image and wrote his heart out online. Quote: "don't know anything about the law...but...I know what is right and wrong."
    4) When SuJu first debuted, Hankyung had issues with his Visa and had to conceal his identity when he performed on stage as a member of Super Junior. After 2-3 months of Hankyung's suffering, Heechul pushed him out to the front of the stage, told him "It's okay, it's okay" and not to worry, he pulled off his mask. Quoting him again from what he said about Yunho's anti: "...don't know anything about the law...but...I know what is right and wrong."
    With all due respect, TKPJ, I think that you may have some angry ELFs and Petals after you. Just putting it out there.
