
To Get You Through the Weekend

Yes, I realize this is the second Friday I have posted an entry where I give you pictures of an astonishingly sexy man from BIGBANG and send you on your way to the weekend. But T.O.P. is just too sexy not to talk about and/or drool over.

I feel like blushing slightly every time I see his pictures.

T.O.P. (real name Choi Seung-hyun) has this weird kind of gravitational pull on me. He's an angry kind of sexy, and it's hard to tell if he's about to punch something (or someone) or rip your clothes off with his bare hands. While the whole ripping-of-the-clothes may sound erotic at first, when you truly think about it, it isn't what it's cracked up to be. Imagine, you're at the most elegant restaurant in Seoul and he's been making sexy, smolder-model eyes at you from across the table all evening, while he slowly eats his dinner, not rushing through the meal. Because T.O.P. looks like he's very into foreplay, and anticipation is the best form of it. When you're about to hit your breaking point, T.O.P. firmly takes you by the hand into a nearby alleyway where -- in a state of rushing and need-to-have-each-other-now -- he rips your little black dress. Not a complete mood killer, but the next morning you will no doubt mourn the loss of your favorite LBD.

Basically, it's in your best interest to wear clothes with only snap closures or nothing at all when in the presence of T.O.P.

This guy completely reminds me of James Bond, in the whole I'm-a-bad-ass-who-can-get-any-woman-on-the-face-of-the-Earth-just-by-looking-at-them-with-my-model-eyes.
You're a bad ass kind of sexy.

Happy weekend!


The K-Pop Addict


  1. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 2:26 PM

    OMG He is really hot. That other picture you sent me the other night does not do justice. The ripping of the LBD would totally happen. Oh man. Here comes another crush.

  2. Do I know how to pick them or what?

  3. K-Pop Junkie10/02/2009 3:24 PM

    You do sometimes :) lol

  4. Sometimes? Please!

    You can't deny that all of the guys I crush on aren't attractive. Even though they might not suit YOUR personal tastes, they're still hot in the general aspect of things.

    I'll be working late into late Saturday this weekend & your post definitely helps!!

    I don't know if you've seen this,but I tweeted this before.


    A lot of my friends who have seen him thought he's a little girlie-looking (trust me, I have no idea whyyy), but when they heard his voice, a lot couldn't believe he could bust the beastly hip hop chops. BUT OH HOW HE COULDD.

    Thanks again...!!!
    You'll see me a lot where TOP is concerned!


  6. Haha, I know exactly what you mean by the "girly" comment. The K-Pop Junkie thought he looked emo, because the way the stylists sometimes make him look for photoshoots dampens the sexiness that is T.O.P.

    And his voice ... oh, I LOOOOOVE his voice. I forgot to include that in this post, but rest assured, it will be talked about HEAVILY whenever I get around to the baby daddy list. I'm still waiting for YB's single to be released, because I have a feeling that boy is going to redeem himself majorly.

  7. Especially when GD did such a great job with his solo, YB surely wanted to top that (we all know this fact whether he'd like to admit it or not!)

    Oh & coming back to T.O.P, his voice made my heart tremble!
    Whenever he turned into the beast rapper mode, his voice would give me goosebumps!

    The first time I saw Big Bang's photos, even when I didn't know who he was, it was him that caught my eye. It's like he had trapped us with that smexy you-can't-resist-me-&-we-both-know-it stare

  8. Mas, since you're a Big Bang girl, you HAVE to help me out here. I watched a video a few weeks ago (pretty sure it was a clip from Big Bang TV) where the guys were reading messages from fans, I believe on their cyworld? Anyway, some rabid fan girl asked for T.O.P. to "moan" because he has a sexy voice.

    Do you know what I'm talking about? Desperately need that as exhibit A in the baby daddy list for T.O.P. because it was just amazing.

    I looked on the site I THOUGHT I saw it on, and I cannot find it for the life of me, so hopefully you know.

  9. Sorry I had only realized all your tweets, and finally a blog post on that this morning (had been sleeping LOL!)

    Anyway, I didn't know about the vid initially, so I couldn't have had helped you. BUT NOW THANKS TO YOU, I HAVE SEEN IT.

    T.O.P groaning..
    **how much more speechless can I be?**

    Now the wait for your Big Bang baby daddy list has grown from excited to desperate!

  10. That's okay, I know you live in a completely different time zone! I wasn't expecting any answer right away, but after SEARCHING for it practically all day I grew desperate and needed to hear T.O.P. groaning through my computer speakers lol

    I really wish YG would just release Tae's single already, because it's SOO conflicting! haha

  11. Tempo is sexy period. I am obligated by law to comment on every post about him. I have a clip of him talking during a radio segment, I play it on my iPod just like it's a song. Do you know of the clip where they had to call their Girlfriends for a radio segment, GD in that clip will keep you far away from my husband. starts at around 3 mins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQJi89ROsTo (they all did it)
