
Han Geng: Hottest Chinese Man Alive

Honestly, I don't have much to say in detail about Han Geng. I'm not feeling one-hundred-percent this morning (maybe it's karma from this, maybe not), so I'm going to keep it brief. I know the luscious Hankyung deserves more, but he'll be the main focus at another time, preferably when my knee doesn't feel like it's about to explode in pain.

He has become hotter as the years progress.

There are a lot of reasons why I love this man. For one, he cooks. This is extremely important to me seeing as how, even though I am rather talented in the kitchen, I'm also very cursed in the kitchen. I can make a mean apple pie, but as soon as I open a cabinet a broiler pan will fucking attack my foot, causing it to turn a nasty shade of dead-person-purple. (That did actually happen two months ago). Any man who can and is willing to spare me from potentially and accidentally harming and/or killing myself is a man I treasure dearly.

Also, I L-O-V-E his Chinese/Korean/English. It's freaking amazing. Poor thing gets so confused sometimes, answering in Chinese when he's supposed to talk in Korean, speaking in Korean when he's supposed to answer in English. He tries, and that's the important thing. Han, lovely, I will without a doubt tutor you in English ... right after you save me from myself in the kitchen. Don't worry, I'll put on those yellow rubber gloves and do the dishes. Without complaint.

That's love, you know.




  1. MMMHHMMM He can cook for me any time. ;) He has gotten so hottier through the years!!!! :)

  2. Just don't make him cook with oil while he's naked. Could result in some unpleasant burns and a trip to the hospital. Instant mood killer for the next few months. He'd so have PTSD.

  3. Lol I will make sure he will not be cooking with hot oil while naked. The naked comes after its done! :)

  4. ah~~ I like this guy ever since I saw him on tvxq 1st concert in Malaysia on 2004 =] I wish he could teach me how to cook xDD

  5. When/if Super Junior ever disbands (depressing thought), Han Geng should definitely do a cooking show. And he should be wearing something similar to this (http://i785.photobucket.com/albums/yy134/koreanpopaddict/Super%20Junior/2m699ae.jpg).

    Minus the tiger mask, of course. No need to cover up that face.

  6. That is awesome that he cooks but honestly, if he has to then thats a bad sign for me... Sure it's romantic and cute whatev, but I would feel like a troll if he had to cook in order to feed himself. I mean sheesh, am I THAT bad!? He's either prepared for the worst or.........just a nice guy!
