
Happy Birthday, CJ!


Today is CJ's birthday!

Currently Daesung is on a step ladder hanging pink streamers (just so she can have a better view of his ass) and Taeyang is sitting there shirtless blowing up some pink balloons, abs just glistening with oil (which is required whenever he's in her presence), while Se7en has his luscious lips in the kitchen making her some chocolate chip pancakes that he will later feed to her while she lies in bed.

G.O will be making smoothies shortly, carrying them out to her on a silver tray as she lies poolside and soaks up the sun. Chance will be sitting beside her, every so often shading her with a pink umbrella when the sun gets a little too hot, and also singing to her whatever song she wants. Like her own personal jukebox. Taekyeon will want to go swimming, but he has to be naked, because it's her birthday and they all have to do whatever she says.

On a serious note, I want to thank CJ for being a truly awesome friend and helping me through some tough times. You're simply an amazing person that has nothing but love for everyone.

Also, please say a quick prayer for CJ's father, as he was rushed to the hospital last night and is still there now.

Happy birthday!



  1. Happy Birthday CJ!
    You're dad's in my prayers :)

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CJ!!! you know i love you dearly & i really treasure you as a great friend~ try not to worry too much because your dad is in our prayers. he'll be okay soon. ^_^

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope your dad gets better :)

  4. Happy birthday, cj! I hope it's awesome! I'm keeping you and your dad in my prayers!

  5. Happy belated birthday, cj!! Still including your father in my prayers!

  6. Ah, CJ's birthday is so close to mine. :3 Happy belated birthday. I really hope your father is well. :o
