
T.O.P and His Three Layers


I swear, Sex God absolutely loves wearing at least three layers of clothing.

Lately he's been working out, and he is becoming a bit more confident in the revealing of smoldering sex flesh. That makes me happy, even if my eyes will burn because of the radiating sex coming from his skin. There are just some sacrifices in life I am willing to make.

I figured out the "layer" system, the significance and importance of each one.
  • Layer 1: The primary layer, the most important one. This layer significantly cuts down on any sex appeal that his skin might give off. However, worn just by itself, there is still a great risk of having it removed by a rabid, sexually frustrated fan girl.
  • Layer 2: This layer diminishes even further the sex appeal, but any mystery is non-existent, for one is still able to make out the general shape of the wearer. There is still a hint of smoldering sex, but it's subtle enough to the fan girl eye. There usually is no need for a third layer.
  • Layer 3: This layer is to totally piss off fan girls. It is unnecessary and unwanted. It leaves too much mystery, making fan girls question profusely what exactly is hiding underneath all that fabric.
Hopefully one day soon, Layer 3 will no longer be an issue.



  1. Gah! What will it take to get him down to (dare i say it) no layers! Just shirtless!!

  2. How terrifying that a man could wear all those layers and still be so ridiculously hot though. If he wants to fully frustrate us, he should stop with the Stare of Impregnation. He's just being coy with all that clothing. =3

  3. i agree.... we need to amped up our radioactive vision into SEX GOD clothings!
    the suit he wore in Busan for a conference was only 2 layers!! at least a good 3 cm below collarbone was exposed! AHAHAHAH

  4. Too much exposed sex god flesh is likely to make our brains explode. I think he covers himself up for our own safety. He's nice that way.

    Dear Sex God: I'll risk brain explosion. Take your shirt off, please.

  5. *sigh* I just wish he had enough confidence in himself to not wear so many layers. We need to help this man realize just how freakin gorgeous and sexy he is.

  6. Despite the many layers, he burns my heart every single time I looked at him.
    He can just stand there look pretty and blow my mind inside out.
    Not that it's are in K-Pop.

    Besides, everyone is right, he's just being kind to us, not exposing himself too much, because we would be retarded for life because of the brain explosion.

    @CosmoQueen: I question this all the time, but I bet he DOES know that he gets us sexually frustrated everytime he even leaves the house to be somewhere that we could see.

  7. *sigh* Gorgeous. I'm not digging the animal print though. Other than that he's one fine Sex God.

  8. I'm with Tania! Maybe he's finally realized how burning hot he is, and now continues to cover up, because he cares about his fans. He doesn't want them hyperventilating, or having a brain melt down because his radiating sex factor you know?

  9. Oh I forgot this, can we also take a moment to be in shock and awe that a man wore leopard print and managed to still look hot, not tacky?

    This is the power of TOP.

  10. prepare to have your eyes singed, he is showing some flesh!

  11. He is definitely hot... but why leopard print? Maybe to match TKPA's leopard print thong she'll be asked to wear by The King of Foreplay. :P

  12. am i the only one who doesn't want to see TOPless pics of him flooding the Internet? O_O

    admit it bbs, the moment he takes off one of any of those layers, WE'RE GONNA BE ALL DEAD & BABIES WOULD FLOOD THE STREETS. INSTANT PREGNANCY! :))

    him being naked is limited to the four corners of OUR bedroom. xD (or maybe even the bathroom? kitchen? living room? garage? ^_^)

  13. Psh, I'm sure there is another layer under all that. It can be called the base layer. :P

  14. 'this layer is for fashion.. this layer is for function.. this layer is for sex appeal.. n this layer is for inclement weatherrr' llol
