There are a lot of holidays coming up soon, so we're going to have a little fun and spread some holiday cheer!
I am going to create and send a goodie box to ONE reader this holiday season! What is going to be in the box? Well, that depends entirely on the winner!
How to Enter:
Copy and paste this little form in the comment box below and fill it out accordingly!
First name:
Twitter name:
City, State, Country:
Favorite Idol Group(s):
Favorite Male Idol(s):
Why You Love Them:
Favorite TKPA Post:
Why You Love This Blog:
What Would You Like to See more of Here?:
Copy and paste that below and fill it out. If you do not have a Twitter account, then email me AFTER you post the comment so I have a way of notifying you if you are the lucky winner!
What I'm Looking For:
Flattery! Seriously, flattery is pretty much the key to winning this ... and also making me laugh. The most creative answers will catch my attention and will keep you in the running! Whoever has the best comment, the best reasons why they love this blog, why they love their idols, will be the winner!
I will notify you within 24 hours of the "contest" ending, and will get your email address, where I will ask you certain questions about the kinds of things you like (clothing, accessories, candy, snacks, idols, books, etc ...).
Not meaning to brag, but I put together the BEST care packages ever. Seriously. It's worth the few minutes of your time. Trust me.
Deadline is December 3rd so start posting! Tell your friends and then make a pact that you'll share if you win! Limit one comment per person, don't cheat ;)
The purpose of this is to give back to my readers and have a little fun. This is open to ALL - regardless of what country you live in!
Oh, this video. I could go on and on and on for hours about this video, about Heart2Heart. Seriously, hours. There is just so much to talk about and originally I did not plan on blogging about it, because they aren't Korean, they aren't K-Pop, and those are pretty much the only two requirements one needs to be featured here.
But this video is so much like a K-Pop video that I could not resist in breaking it down in parts, just like I do for every single male idol group's new video. It's more like constructive criticism mixed with praise and sometimes a severe scolding (but H2H is safe, no scolding today). And I only reiterate that, because they'll be reading this. (Scary, I know!)
Let me first start off with this so I can let the former teeny bopper inside of me out of my system ...
OMG LANCE FREAKING BASS. I worship the ground he walks on, no joke. Seriously, the video started, I saw Lance and I became so giddy and eleven-years-old again that I had to stop the video, open another tab, type in YouTube, and search through videos just to find this:
That intro music still gives me chills to this day. Oh, and it took me back to the days when I went to the *NSYNC concerts and went deaf from all the girls screaming, and it took me back to the days when I had a whole wall of posters and pictures of the guys, and when my friends and I would watch their concert DVDs literally all night long until six in the morning. The ten seconds of seeing Lance brought me back to my childhood and put me in teeny bopper mode.
Back to Heart2Heart ...
If we're really modeling ourselves after K-Pop here, then I'm going to be blunt and tell you the same damn things I write about them. Majority of them don't understand what I say, but there's no filtering just because you speak English. We don't play favorites here (have you read the awful things I've said about G-Dragon?).
So the video kicks off and it's some sort of West Philadelphia basketball court where Chad Future starts. And as he's doing his intro ... rap? ... all I can focus on is Pete's shirt, which is kind of like a horse of a different color, only as the camera gets closer, the stripes become wavy and distorted, big then small.
Why do so many stylists all over the globe make the mistake of using thin stripes or small checkered patterns? It never picks up well by the camera and it totally distracts from the artists or actors. It's everywhere, music videos, photoshoots (T.O.P wore a funky looking hat that did not photograph well for their comeback), even in television and movies here in the States. No more thin stripes, please! Chunky stripes are the way to go. So for your next video boys, please think of me when a stylist hands you a striped shirt and just say no.
Speaking of styling ... Chad, sweetie ... no.
You're good looking. You're hot. I know they probably want you to play that "bad boy" role in the group, because every boy band needs a bad boy. But that doesn't mean you need to look like a douche. It's like you're about to go for an audition on that lame MTV show where the parents choose their daughter's new boyfriend, and you're the current douche that eats all their food and doesn't flush the toilet when you're done.
You want the bad boy role, then dye your hair black, shape it into a faux hawk, slap on a tiny bit of eyeliner (no cat eyes, you're a dude, not a chick), get some abs, don't smile, walk around shirtless, and call it a day. The big key to that is don't smile.
Example, these are only three of the baddest, sexiest, holy-fucking-shit hot guys in K-Pop that make girls go bat shit crazy:
T.O.P from BIGBANG (Recommend: "Turn It Up")
Jun Hyung from BEAST
(Recommend: "Shock")
Taecyeon from 2PM
(Recommend: "Heartbeat")
They rarely smile. In videos, they're usually very stoic, even if it is an upbeat song. They can turn on the charm, but majority of the time you don't see those pearly whites. They're bad ass, not douchey. If that's the look you want, study them and learn what they do. They're the masters and you're the apprentice. But the multicolored hair, the star drawn on your face ... it's more "screamo" frontman than pop. You have to pick a look that somewhat suits the genre you're in.
I really do say that out of love, not bitchiness.
Pete, you're cute. And for some really strange reason, you remind me of Eli in this picture:
And I don't know why, because Eli doesn't really have those kind of abs, or a jaw ... so, yeah I don't know why I'm getting the Eli vibe from you, but it's a good thing because he's hot and one of my absolute favorites. Anyone that reminds me of a favorite usually doesn't have anything to worry about.
Is it just me, or did anyone else notice that Brayden was entirely not featured enough in this video? I think he had maybe thirty seconds of screen time total. Like it was this shot, and a few close-ups of him at the end and the beginning.
This is a new group, their first song and video, and majority of it you only see three members: Chad, KX, and Nico. Not that I'm complaining because ... well, I will get to that in a moment ... but every member should have had the chance to be featured the same amount of time. This is in no way Heart2Heart's fault, because they didn't edit the video. I would honestly like to see more of each of them and show off their personality and charm. Pete and Brayden weren't featured nearly as much as they should have been, and to start off a group like that will only keep it in that pattern.
Nico, you're so freaking adorable and I about cried last night when I found out you were seventeen. Seriously. There's a rule on this blog that I can't talk about anyone under the age of eighteen (because that is honestly just creepy and has Mrs. Robinson written all over it) and you won't be legal until next June. This makes me sad.
But it does make me happy that you replied to me last night. Here's how it went down:
And the other day he retweeted me, which earned him major brownie points because it was a retweet of a link to the blog post I mentioned them in last week, which not only shamelessly promotes himself, but it increased page hits, so thank you so much, Nico :)
Finally ... KX ... oh, damn.
Guys ... guys ... I'm speechless.
You know there's always the one member in a new K-Pop group that just leaves me melting into a big pile of TKPA mess. There was SeungHo, Jun Hyung, Dari, and most recently P.O. We can now officially add KX to that list.
Seriously, no words.
I've had my fill of rappers. I don't need to add anymore to the list. I've set my sights on dancers and choreographers now, and KX has earned his spot in the top three. That's how few dancers I have. THREE.
I know a lot of people have been saying that the song is ridiculous and stupid and they aren't sure if it is a joke or not. But it is actually genius of them in a way. The more people tell other people, "You have to watch this video. The song is ridiculous!" the more YouTube hits it will receive, which will give the group more attention. We were all there watching and making fun of Rebecca Black, and the girl turned around and put out a real song and instant celebrity. You have to be able to laugh at yourself.
Also, this isn't a song for older girls like us (even though Nico said I wasn't old). Their target fan base is the preteen, young teenage girl age group, and this song does relate to them. We think it's corny, but this is a boy band, and boy bands usually are meant for young girls, not for those of us over the age of seventeen.
And I know there is a lot of talk going around that they ripped off K-Pop and that they're copying Teen Top and all these other groups ... but when did it become wrong to be influenced off of another artist? If it was so wrong, then wouldn't Taeyang and G-Dragon be copying Michael Jackson? And wouldn't Hyori be copying Beyonce or Lady Gaga? This group did not rip off any sound or lyric or even clothing item from a K-Pop group, they were influenced by them. K-Pop is a very unique genre, it has so many qualities that American pop just doesn't have.
I'm all for this song and this group. Yes, it's a little corny at some parts, and it is hard to believe it isn't a spoof, but they have so much potential. Why are so many people ticked off that an American group was inspired by K-Pop? Shouldn't that be a compliment?
In closing, I'm sorry to Chad if he thought I was harder on him than the others, it's only because he was the one who was featured the most in the video so I am only reacting to what was given to me. I do it out of love so you can improve, because if you're really serious on being influenced by K-Pop and modeling yourself after it ... no one knows male idol groups better than I do; I know what works and what doesn't work here in America. Again, sorry, but please don't hate me and please don't unfollow me from twitter because that will make me sad.
Now it's time to send this to Heart2Heart in hopes that they learn a little insight into the K-Pop world, and also in hopes that Chad doesn't block me.
Watch "Facebook Official" and pretend you're thirteen again! It's an awesome way to get rid of all this nasty college, adult stress.
Oh, and props to the subtle shout-out to the leader and the animated sound waves!
This is speculation here ... but fangirls and fanboys, I think our beloved Taeyang has himself a girlfriend. Let me start off by first saying this is in no way, shape, or form real news; I'm only a very observant fan who has noticed a few things that have led me to believe what I am about to write. So it is not a breaking news story, got it?
I have been saying it since Solar was released that he was gettin' a lil somethin-somethin because there was a drastic change in his attitude. And every single fan noticed it, it was completely obvious there was something in Taeyang's personal life that made him truly happy.
Here is what I know that has lead me to believe that Taeyang and Lydia Paek are two little lovebirds, sitting in a tree ...
Now I think the wheels have been set in motion for a while as to Lydia coming to YGE. It doesn't just up and happen overnight, so even though she has only been in Korea physically for a few weeks now, I am pretty sure Taeyang has known her for longer. And I'm pretty sure there was an initial attraction on both ends (because who doesn't get all melty when they see Taeyang shirtless and sweaty while doing choreography? And Lydia is a pretty girl and she's cute and bubbly and she totally seems like the type of girl that Tae would go for).
I have a feeling that while he was in America not too long ago, he met up with Miss Paek a few times. I mean, he was in America for a long time. Remember when he was doing "business" for YGE while in the States? Maybe that included getting new talent?
Hmmm ... the plot thickens ...
Third thing, Lydia posted a video last week of her hanging out with Choice 37 and Taeyang. We all know how Korea is; it's very rare that a young girl hangs out with two guys all by her lonesome. (By the way, regardless of her statement saying Tae wasn't the one who cussed ... totally him). Even the way she laughed when he was being all cute while eating his Mr. Goodbar (really wish I was that piece of chocolate), you could just hear it in that laugh. So freaking cute! I just want to smush their faces together and throw rice at them!
PLUS TAEYANG'S ENGLISH IS IMPROVING. I think he's trying harder to learn the language since he's dating an American and he knows he'll have to come to America every now and then because even though South Korea is awesome, she'll get homesick.
The biggest piece of evidence came from earlier this week. Taeyang tweeted the following:
Did you know that Lydia posted a cover of that same song on September 25th? A video which is blacked out because she wants us to "appreciate the music." Um, I think it's because she was singing to our King of Foreplay. Like he was physically there and they were all cuddled and all the ooey-gooey romantic stuff.
I consulted the biggest Taeyang expert I know, and oh yeah ... it's definitely our boy. And it was posted "22 hours ago" at 11 AM (EST) today (Oct. 6th), so it's recent and it means that the two of them were hanging out together around 2 AM in Korea ... nothing good happens after 2 AM, folks.
I firmly believe that Taedia exists, and I am so freaking happy for them. They can say they're just friends all they want, but I won't believe it. These are the cutest freaking people ever and they totally deserve each other. If this is all in my head, that's fine with me. But I'm not talking about how they have the same phones so they must be dating (GD and Kiko).
A part of me didn't want to bring my theory to light, because I know how crazy some fans can get. If you're reading this and you're becoming jealous and you want to start tweeting crazy things to Lydia, remember that before Taeyang is an idol, he is a person. Everyone deserves to be happy, and if he has found even a tiny amount of happiness in just being friends with Lydia, then we, as the people who say we love him no matter what, should respect that and not start sending blood letters.
Oh, hello there! It's me, TKPA. I know, it's been so long since we've seen each other last. Did you cut your hair?
We all know I suck from time to time with this thing, but just because I have been absent from the K-Pop scene doesn't mean I've neglected it completely. Here is mostly everything I have missed:
Heechul Enlists, Army is Now Fierce
I have never been able to picture Heechul in the army. There is just a certain quality about him. I guess it's the fact that he likes to dress up as a Korean Lady Gaga -- and no, that is not a comment about his sexuality, it's a comment on how he likes to stand out. Heechul does not like to blend in and be "like everyone else." And in the Army ... that's pretty much all it's about.
So when it finally came time to say bye-bye to that perfect complexion, a lot of his fans were heartbroken and scared. I just kept thinking, "Why is everyone freaking out? His leg injury will land him a desk job." Because of the metal rod in his leg, I doubt that the South Korean Army would require him to do anything physical, anything in the field. So if North Korea throws a hissy fit (let's hope not), Heechul will be safe and sound.
Still, it's sad that Super Junior has to go yet another lengthy time period without yet another member in tow. I will miss Heechul and all of the outlandish, arrogant things he does and I can't wait until he returns (until then, how about ALL of Super Junior just go enlist at the same time so two years, done and over with and we can get back to making music).
And then there was ...
Heechul Finishes Activites ... Why Didn't Kangin?
I saw in a few tweets that some people were upset that before enlisting, Heechul completed all sorts of activities, even filmed a new music video ... yet Kangin didn't. Well, unless you count his hands in "Sorry Sorry (Answer)." Maybe I didn't get the whole story or why people were upset ... but Kangin wasn't technically allowed to be a part of any of Super Junior's activities. He was still placed on hiatus stemming from his two drunken indiscretions, making it impossible for him to be a part of anything.
And taking a shot in the dark here, but I think that maybe he also wasn't in the right frame of mind at that time, maybe he was a little depressed at his actions. And maybe because he had let so many people he cared about down, he decided he needed a change and needed a chance to better himself. Personally, I would much rather Kangin come back to Super Junior because he in his heart is ready and is passionate about it, not come back because the group's schedule demands it.
More important than physical health is mental health. Remember that.
Oh, and there was also ...
Jay Park Goes Blonde and Has a Bajillion Stupid Tattoos
Seriously, Jay? There's just so much all going on with all of this.
Like, first of all ... blonde looks very weird on you. I know some idols can pull that unnatural shade off ... but you are definitely not one of them. You look like you're going to eat my soul or some freaky horror movie shit. I'm sorry, I know a lot of you liked it, but to me it doesn't suit him well. We all make mistakes, it's just hair. Easily fixable.
These tattoos, on the other hand ... really?
I'm all for someone getting a tattoo, I have nothing against them. Just don't get something stupid and insignificant and dear God, think about placement.
Stars on your neck? Seriously? Tattoo profiling here, but that makes me think that you are either: a) a stripper who has had drug problems and is trying to live a "clean" life, but can't seem to find an actual day job, b) a white girl from the suburbs who is auditioning for Step Up 12, c) a guest on Jerry Springer. Stars on the neck are as TRASHTASTIC as you can get.
The AOM tattoo ... okay, I get that it is something very meaningful and important to you (unlike the stars which is just fucking stupid) ... but the placement of it ... dude. Come on. You're killing me. Behind the ear? That is where girls get tattoos because they want to rebel and think "no one will ever see it because my hair will cover it, but just knowing it's there is good enough." STOP GETTING CHICK TATTOOS IN CHICK PLACES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I like the AOM tattoo because it's significant, but behind the ear?!
You're not gangster, Jay. If anything you remind me of the little bleach blond Chinese man in Rush Hour.
And I do not get this tattoo, nor can I even read it. All I can see is "Forever" and everything else is just a blurry mess. Down the forearm? Again, you're killing me. Did anyone close to you, as you were in the tattoo shop, the stenciled placement on your arm as you look in the mirror to see that it's in the right place, stop you and say, "Hey, you're going to be old one day. You're going to be wrinkly and shriveled and these tattoos are going to look like shit and you're going to scare your grandchildren, who will forever wonder if you were an infamous drug dealer in Korea?"
I hope you read this, Jay. And I hope you take my words into consideration as you ponder your next tattoo, which I strongly believe should be "Fuck You TKPA." I will put that on my Christmas cards for all eternity.
Speaking of Blondes and Tattoos ...
You all know how much I love G-Dragon, and that means that because I love him so much more than others (I'd say he's definitely in my top three), I have to be that much harder on him. There's no favoritism here!
I actually like this. I don't like it on the forearm, but it's different and it's artsy, which describes GD completely. I think it could have been placed somewhere else, but I don't have a big problem with it. I have a bigger problem with what he's wearing -- I didn't know that cut off bermuda shorts were popular with the men in Korea.
However ...
I had no idea what the hell this was. To be honest, I still have no idea. I was never into Dragon Ball Z, if that is even where this is from. I do not know if there's any significance to it, this honestly confuses the hell out of me. It really does. I don't really like it (partly because I don't understand it) but I will admit that I do think it's stupid.
More importantly, I just wanted to post a picture of G-Nips on the blog.
I have also heard that he had three tattoos done ... and so far we've seen two. So if that rumor is actually true and there is one more piece of body art left to be discovered, what is it and where is it located? Any thoughts on what it could be?
And could someone please tell me what this second tattoo means?
It was like the Earth was going to implode or something when Taeyang dyed the tips of his legendary faux hawk a dirty blonde.
When I first heard about it, I thought he changed his whole hairstyle. And I was so scared because there is only so much that boy can do with the existing amount of hair he has, so I honestly believed he shaved his head. And I was about to cry because baldy Tae Tae is not acceptable. Then I saw that my beloved little spikey 'do was still intact, just freshened up a bit.
Quite frankly, I could care less if he dyed it rainbow colors. Just as long as he doesn't have a bald head or corn rows or dreads. Anything else, I'm good with.
Tae Tae's Older Brother -- Hot or Eh?
I know some of you think Taeyang's older brother is hot and gorgeous and looks just like Tae ... I don't see it. I mean, they have the same eyes ... but that's about it. Taeyang -- in my opinion -- is way hotter and definitely twenty times more gorgeous than this brother. You don't have to agree, that's fine. And if you want to jump the Tae ship and go after his bro, thinking "I'll never get Tae, but his brother looks enough like him so it doesn't matter," .... well, one you're an awful human being. And two, that's less competition for me, so go ahead and be awful so I can have Tae Tae all to myself.
He's cute, I don't think that family can produce ugly ... but I'm too obsessed with Tae to settle.
I'm willing to sacrifice my claim in the oldest brother so that you all may have equal fighting and sharing rights. How selfless of me, I know.
One Way: Peter, Young Sky ... Where's My Chance? (WARNING: ALL CAPS)
I'm going to cry :(
Seriously, those are all legit questions and I really hope that whatever is going on between them, they are able to work out and continue making great music together and continue making us adore them. Though we all want to know what is going on, I know that it isn't our place to know and that it is a private matter between the three of them. I will say that even if they are splitting up and they will no longer be the trio we've all come to love and connect with, I and many others will continue to support and love all of them.
Like many fans, I not only appreciate One Way because of their music, but because of their dedication to their fans. Sure, they hadn't been the most popular in Korea, but by reaching out to us on Twitter, they gained fans from all over and connected with us. I really am appreciative for that, because not many of our favorite idols are able to reply to us, and if they do it is only to a handful of people very rarely.
If the guys are reading this (not likely, but you never know; for all I know Peter could have bookmarked the blog so he'd know if anymore "bomb" cookies were on his way to him), I do hope that whatever happened between you is worked out. Not for the fans, but for yourselves and the friendship you all have.
Until then I'll wait patiently for the answers and hope that this is all just a rough patch.
Who the Eff is Heart2Heart?
So I haven't been the most active lately, but as you can see I have been paying attention to what is going on. And I've been seeing a lot of people on Twitter talking about "Heart2Heart" and I have been so confused as to who these guys are and why they're relevant to K-Pop.
And then I found out that the guy who is doing their mixing, also did it for BIGBANG and 2NE1. And THEN I found out that they are like the little proteges for Lance freaking Bass and I was like HELL YES. Because you should all know by now that *NSYNC covered my walls in my teeny bopper years, that I went to EVERY tour, and when/if JT ever gets his head out of his ass, I will be the first in line to buy tickets to a reunion tour, because *NSYNC kicks BSB's ass any day. They were and will always be my ultimate bias.
So, anyway ... the affliation with Lance has me hooked. I don't need to know anymore about these guys, they have the stamp of approval in my book.
But just for kicks ... from left to right, their ranking on the TKPA Hot-o-Meter (sucky name, but it does the job!) from 1-10:
Brayden: 5 (Don't dig the blonde hair, blue eyes look) Nico: 10 (Helloooo) Chad: 8 (You look a little too douchey for my liking, but still hot) Pete: 5 (Blonde hair, blue eyes) KX: 10 (Helloooooooooooooooooooo)
Oh, if only you were actually Korean, I could blog about KX and Nico all the time. So sad.
My Super Junior Babies ARE ON FIRE
I am sooooo incredibly stoked and giddy and excited about this. You have no idea. They all look so sexy and FLAWLESS and the song itself is sexy and powerful and gets you amped up. It's PERFECT. ABSOLUTELY PERFECTION.
You know looks really hot in this, not just hot but really good? Shindong. Whatever he's been doing, keep it up, because he looks slim and confident and that's always sexy. Siwon ... holy crap I almost lost it. He looks scary sexy, like sinister sexy. And Leeteuk ... oh, yes please! THEY ALL LOOK SO AMAZING I WANT TO KIDNAP AND KEEP THEM ALL.
I want more of THIS from SuJu. This is what they should have given us instead of "Mr. Simple." That was too much like "Sorry Sorry" and I wanted to see what else they can do without it saying, "Remember us? We did that one song that everyone loved! If you loved that, you'll love this too!"
They just showed me what else they can do, and now I will shut up and watch this a thousand more times because I honestly cannot get enough of this.
Memories of Korea
The other day I had a follower say he sent me an email and wanted me to take a look at a video he compiled about his recent trip to Korea.
It's a really great way to show life in South Korea and you should take the time to watch it. Follow Pat at @patleezy on Twitter and, rather than comment here what you thought about it, tell him. I'm sure he'll appreciate the direct feedback.
So this ends my massively long blog post, and you should all be commenting your little butts off because I have literally been typing this for three hours straight. So comment, retweet, send to all of the people that have been mentioned in this post (because like always, I will do the same and if they see the same link sent fifty times, they're bound to see it).
Have a great day and a great rest of the week if I don't have a chance to get on here again (maybe Thursday, but we'll see!)
All morning I have been printing out tons of documents for the new semester (which starts tomorrow and that means no more summer) and I needed a break for my mind. So after watching a few kpop videos, I had a strong desire to watchthe MAMA performance with G-Dragon, T.O.P, and Taeyang. I just wanted to start my week right, you know?
And it was so amazing and made me all giddy and excited as if I was actually, physically there to witness this in person. And it made me happy.
So I'm passing on the happiness to you!
It's going to be a good week! But if for some reason you start to feel yourself slipping in the aggravation that the week plagues upon you ... just come back here and watch it again. I know I will surely be grateful for my YouTube app.
For those of you going back to school, good luck with all of your studies!
Also, for those of you who live in Puerto Rico, I'm very glad there was no extreme damage due to Hurricane Irene. If you're in the Bahamas or the east coast of Florida, please be safe!
I'm really late to the game on this, but since I've recently discovered that Boys Over Flowers is now available to watch on Netflix, I've become addicted. This is why I don't watch Korean dramas. If the music was like kimchi laced crack, the shows are going to be as well.
And I swear if JoonPyo and JanDi don't get together soon I will lose all faith in love.
Just kidding, I'm not that dramatic.
In sort of a Twilight saga, way too drawn out love triangle situation, I am totally against JiHoo and JanDi. Totally against it. Like dude, you see she's totally in love with your boy but yet you still try to wiggle your way into her heart thinking that one day she'll have this big epiphany and realize you're the one she wants to be with. I'm sorry but you're worth way more than to sit around waiting all the time for someone who can't even realize they love you enough to make you their first and only choice.
Okay, that rant is over.
Another thing I really, really hate about the show is that they always leave off right when it gets good. I know all shows do that, but sometimes it's nice to end on a good note and make you feel happy and positive about life, rather than leave you dangling from the top of the Empire State building with just a crappy bungey cord to hold onto. I don't know how many times I've cursed the entire Korean nation because of this stupid show that I can't stop freaking watching because I have to know what happens.
Second rant is over. There is no point to this post, it seems.
If JiHoo looked like this:
Rather than this:
Um, JoonPyo who?
... or they could have just kept going and forced him to do all the scenes shirtless. Like he could literally just stand there, with that stupid song where the only words I can understand are "Almost Paradise" that they play every ten minutes, and he could be in one of those slow motion montages, blinking, licking his lips, scratching his nose. Just be shirtless and wear those "Break Down" leather pants.
I finally had a chance to watch Super Junior's new MV for "Mr. Simple" this morning, and kind of having mixed feelings about it. I love seeing my first k-pop love again, seeing new things from them ... but at the same time there was no much that I felt wasn't "new."
It threw me for a loop in the beginning of the MV, when Siwon is focused in on and then Heechul walks by and then Kyuhyun is standing where Siwon should be. To be honest, I looked away for one quick second and the next thing I know Kyuhyun was there. Then I couldn't believe that I mistook Kyu for Siwon and I honestly thought I was a bad fan because I didn't recognize him -- my favorite maknae of all-time (shhhh, don't tell P.O!).
And then Donghae walks by and again, I was so freaking distracted by watching Eunhyuk's jacket fly through the air and magically glide up his arms and onto his shoulders that I didn't notice after Hae walks by the Kyu turns back into Siwon. So at the end I just see Siwon standing there and I'm like "WTF NO YOU WEREN'T THERE!"
SME, why you making us fangirls feel like we're losing our minds?
Then again I have a crappy attention span.
The video starts and I have to admit ... not much of a giddy, excited reaction this time around. Although I did have to replay the beginning a few times because I swear as soon as Leeteuk says, "Hey, I'm Mr. Simple," there is a sound-bite of the Facebook chat notification, that "pop."
But once everything starts and the lights are flashing, distracting you from their choreography -- which is absolutely plain in comparison to previous MVs -- I can see where a lot of people have compared it to "Sorry, Sorry" and "Bonamana." It's the same beat, same sound. And I think because of the fact that "Sorry, Sorry" was such amassive hit, they want to try to duplicate that success, so by making their first singles off these last two albums sound identical to the beat of "Sorry, Sorry" they think they'll have another hit on their hands.
The choreography is really good in some parts, like I love the "x dance" as some of you are calling it. But as for the chorus, it truly is like the "da da da da da da da da da" circle motion in "Sorry, Sorry," only they are standing still and doing it slower.
It's a new song, a new album, a new look for every single one of them ... give us something fresh and exciting.
As far as look goes ... perfect. No complaints at all from me (which you should all know by now is seldom).
And as far as Leeteuk goes ...
Yes, please.
Like I said, I like the song a lot, not particularly crazy about the video, but I'm really happy that Super Junior is back once again and I'm so excited to see more from them.
And if I'm not mistaken, I think one of the producers that took part in that atrocious ELF anthem called me out via Twitter and said he'd really like to hear my review for "Got Your Number."
Oh, bring it.
Check out the new MV for Super Junior's "Mr. Simple."
Let's play a little game on this Fun Friday. I'll post a picture, start a sentence, then you finish it in the comments below. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
"Taeyang looks like this because ___________________________."
I say: "Taeyang looks like this because the front of his faux hawk is leaning and that's throwing off his balance."
You know how there is that common theory called the butterfly effect, where if a butterfly flaps its wings in Africa, a hurricane will affect the Caribbean? An unfortunate chain of events, basically.
Well, the "butterfly" is the electric razor. The "hurricane" is TKPA.
This picture makes me so sad. I loved his hair. I secretly liked the thrill of seeing all the crazy shit he would do to it, and I guiltily looked forward to bitching and complaining about it, even though on the inside I felt like a ridiculous tumblr "secret," too scared to let you all know how I really felt because I have a freaking rep to protect.
And even though it makes me sad, I kind of can't help but smile and part of me really really really ridiculously abnormally likes this. Okay, I love G-Dragon's new hair. One hundred percent in love with it.
At first I was mad, like how the hell could he just SHAVE it off? How the hell am I going to make fun of him now, when there's no hair to make fun of?
Now I'm cool with it, because it looks so soft and fuzzy. I just want to rub the crown of his head and sing, "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. So Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?" only cute-like and make him laugh and we'll both giggle and it'll become "our thing" and he'll keep shaving it so we can continue on with our stupid little giggle-fest for all eternity.
That's why I'm cool with it. Because I'm a perpetual child.
In all seriousness, it's just hair. It will grow back. More than likely, GD had to shave it because his existing hair suffered damaged to all the crap he's done to it. And he's done so much to it that I'm surprised it hasn't just fallen out completely.
Just think, when his new hair grows out, it will be soft and silky and it will totally give us all complexes that this dude has prettier hair than us.
I don't know how to feel about my bias wearing shorts because I truly don't think I've ever seen any of them wear shorts beside Leeteuk and that disaster travel outfit that GD sported, where he wore boxers. It's so bad that I refuse to even link it this blog. You weren't fooling anyone into believing those were shorts, Ji. Those were boxers. Real question is, which skank flight attendent stole your pants?
Back to the point ...
I'm not sure if I like this or not, but the guy is hot so does it really matter? I mean, once he opens his mouth to speak I'm only looking at that pie-hole in which the glorious, smooth like butter deep voice just flowed out of. So do I really give a damn if the dude is wearing shorts? Eh, not really.
Could very well do without the pattern, but they're a rookie group so matchy-matchy hideousness all around is a forgivable sin.
And again, he's flawlessly hot so I can deal and let my little barely legal pet do whatever he wants and I don't care because I can just say, "Oh, he's young. He'll learn by making mistakes." Whereas if anyone else, anyone else, does something stupid, they are fully held accountable.
If you're not a mathematical know-it-all, the above title simply means "Say Whaaat? times six." If you didn't get it, that's okay. There's no judgement here. Especially from someone who is horrible at math (e.g. me).
I've missed doing these. And I've been dying to talk about 2PM's concept photos from their comeback, but since I missed it when the action first went down (stupid body and its need to sleep), I've been forced to find some other way to blog about it.
Junsu: Your prayers have been answered, ladies. Now who's coming home with me tonight?
Junho: Haaaaaaaaay! Champagne tastes like bubbles! I feel like I have bubbles in my tummy going blippy poppy blippy poppy!
Chansung: Let's just say it's in your best interest to get that camera out of my face. Threatening you? Oh, never. I don't make threats, just state facts.
Taekyeon: You like my hair, really? Dude, it's totally cool you said that 'cause I spent, like, a really long time on it and none of the guys, like, said anything. What? This picture is going in Bro Weekly? Bro, that's totally awesome!
Nichkhun: I'm going to pretend I'm jumping out of a plane to go sky diving! Ready?! ONE ... TWO ... THREEEEEE!
Wooyoung: Is is safe to come out yet? Are the fan girls gone?
You think you have what it takes to be the next K-Pop idol?
MBC Star Audition is holding it's second season of auditions in Los Angeles this year, so if you're able to hop on a plane and make your dream of singing on stage with your oppa become a reality, then there shouldn't be anything stopping you!
Where: Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel (711 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017)
Details: First round picks will be flown to Korea courtesy of MBC in an elimination-style process until there is only one contestant standing. First place winner wins a cash prize and a dance to debut as a singer in Korea.
Requirements: Anyone who can sing at least one song in Korean, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity. (But if you're a professional singer, already under contract, move along and let someone else's dreams come true).
Application Submissons: June 9th through July 15th (so hurry up!)
For further information, check out the Facebook page OR visit hereORyou can call +1-310-243-6930
Thanks to Derek Lee from RPOV for emailing me the information so I can pass it along to all of you!
Good luck and if you make it to Korea, be sure to let me know! :)
Never have I ever been this lustful over a maknae. Never.
While watching "Freeze" by the new, hot, gorgeous rookie group, Block B, I was totally leaning toward making Zico or B-Bomb or Jaehyo my bias to love, cherish, and obsess over infinite amounts until death do us part. Those are three equally sexy men, and Zico seemed to be winning leaps and bounds (because you all know how I love my rappers, and I especially love it when their fashion sense is outlandish and downright ridiculous).
And then P.O came along.
Guys, I was done for. Like how could I not just fall apart and melt into a huge puddle of fangirl after hearing that voice? If I love rappers with off the wall fashion ... I love rappers with deep voices even more. And oh my God, a younger T.O.P sound-a-like who is equally gorgeous and dorky ... seriously? What did I do in a former life to make the K-pop Gods reward me with such an amazing gift?
Thank goodness you are eighteen, P.O. You are going to be talked about frequently. And I am so happy that only one person voted for you in the Cervix Punchers because now I can only share you with her. Don't worry, bb. I will work extra hard to make sure others see the fresh sex appeal that is just legally waiting for us to consume.
Oh, it's going to be a great summer.
You should watch the video below and fall in love with him. And yes, I am tweeting this post to Cho PD.
Side note: He even looks like T.O.P!!!!!!! No wonder I freaking love this kid.