
Hellloooooo, Jinon!


Ladies and gentlemen reading this blog ... we need a moment of silence to honor this luscious, tan Korean.


Moment over. Dirrrty time.

I know I'm late in vocalizing my absolute lust and oh-my-fucking-God feelings toward rookie Jinon, but there is no such thing as being late when it comes to the rookie group F.Cuz's leader. Well, unless you have a crazy one night stand with him and then you're "late" a month later ... but even then it's not a bad thing. Because that one-night-stand, unplanned baby would have half of Jinon's gene pool.

And plus ... you'd probably be poking a hole in the condom before he puts it on, anyway. Don't deny it. You know you would.

But DAMN this boy kills me. He has a bit of a smolder stare going on. And he's a rapper. And his voice is kind of deep and raspy when he raps. And you all know how much I love all three of those things, but when they're combined?


Jinon, Jinon, Jinon ... my new rookie love (sorry Lips of Sex and Sex Apprentice. And Jun Hyung). I can't wait to see more of you. Raspy voice and smolder stare and all.



  1. Well then look forward to him with Gavy NJ!
    I love Jinon too.
    F.Cuz is pretty awesome...
    And have you seen Kan? :)

  2. Well he is very pretty. But I haven't paid much attention to the group cause of their sucky song. Maybe if their next single is good enough I might.
