
Chance and Junsu ... Mmmm


The only way this picture would reach a level of amazingness is if they were both shirtless. I wouldn't question why the two of them are working in the studio shirtless. Hey, whatever gets the creativity juices flowing! With that in mind, has Chance ever flashed us those beauties before? I don't think so ... that's something he needs to work on. I think we'd all like to see some of that, right? I know I sure would.

But this is just lovely, with two of my bbs sitting there, deep in concentration.

I have to draw attention to Junsu's fingers. Look at how long and slender they are. I wonder what I would have to do to make him play the piano on me BIGBANG-style. What do you think? Is he more of a "thigh player" or a "torso player" or maybe a "back player"? Maybe a good combination of all three? Hell, I will paint keys on my body and just lie there completely still while he plays Mozart on me.

He could use this as a reward method. When he comes home from work and there's the most delicious dinner waiting for him on the table, piano time. When I don't go over our credit card limit and receive a gigantic bill in the mail, piano time. Oh, he'll train me to be a Stepford Wife very quickly.



  1. his upper lip.. his cheek.. his neck.. they are so bite-able. (*_*)

    on the other hand~ i've seen an outline(?) of Chance's body during their series of shows here. he's got a little flab? lol. but he has nice arm muscles. ^_^ needs a little more workout~ xD

  2. oh dear xDD I don't know junsu well but just reading your post makes me want to hahahah

    Big Bang piano style?? Oh such genousness!!!

  3. Gosh I love Junsu and even though your writing is perverted, I agree with you 100%. It makes me want him ^^

  4. baby ill take Chances flab anytime..i got to hug him (coz he wouldnt let me steal his water bottle *_* ) and dammmn he's sooo foine like my xray vision could just SEE AND FEEL THE HEAT he oozes.
    and yeeep JUNSU those fingers and that JAW LINE?? WHAT THE?!
    though i get attracted to him more when he's like this no makeup and not in that costume or what hahaha
