
Really, South Korea? REALLY?

I really am not understanding why that stick is shoved so far up your ass right now. Are you really investigating Kwon Ji-Yong and threatening him with jail time because of his solo concert performance? Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

True, some of the stage acts were not suitable for a young teenage audience. But didn't you already deem his album unsuitable for anyone under the legal age to listen to? So shouldn't you have taken more precaution when selling tickets and shouldn't you have enforced parental guardians to accompany anyone who even looked underage into the stadium that night?

Kwon Ji-Yong is a musical artist. He envisions things and makes them happen. He is one of the top entertainers in your country, in the world, bringing you money from overseas. And yet this is how you thank him? By creating laws that inhibit an entertainer from having any amount of freedom in the form of a personal life, and protecting the record companies, and then completely disregarding the fact that not only is he an entertainer that makes you money, he's a human being.

I really don't believe that this has anything to do with the "unsuitable material" displayed at his solo concert. Entertainers have done crazier things before him and have only received verbal criticism. Lady Gaga at the VMAs this past fall faked her own suicide on stage. Did you see the American police threatening her with jail time? No. Even though it was broadcasted on national television, and no doubt there were "young teenagers" watching, legal action was not threatened.

The famous Super Bowl incident, where Justin Timberlake ripped off a piece of Janet Jackson's clothing, revealing her nipple ... yes, there were fines from the FCC for not having the proper time delay during a live performance and fines for multiple other things ... but neither of them, nor the network producers, nor the MTV producers in charge of running the show were threatened with jail time.

As I said, it has nothing to do with the material of the performance. This all reverts back to that group of people we've all come to know as Netizens.

They sharpen their claws, they attack, they bitch and moan and complain about anything and everything. They are a group of people who spend their lives on the internet, typing out ridiculous and hateful things. You're listening to these people. Netizens are saying jump, and you, South Korean government, you're answering, "How high?"

Since when does a government accept heat and criticism from a bunch of teenagers or young adults in the form of internet commentary? It's absolutely mind-blowing how it was all acting, it was all for the sake of art ... and yet some people have the audacity to shred it to pieces. You're shredding his creativity to pieces. By placing all the blame on him, by reprimanding him, you're limiting his future self-expression, his future projects, his future revenue. And that really does seem to be all you care about, right? Making money off your faithful, devoted citizens?

There's also the comments from "parents" floating around that it was not something they wanted their child seeing. I'm sorry, but don't they speak Korean? Haven't they heard the lyrics before they purchased tickets or accompanied their children to the concert? Haven't they read a newspaper or watched TV and shouldn't they have known that his album was labeled not suitable for minors and that if he wasn't allowed to perform certain songs on television, then more than likely his live performance would include something "not suitable?" That just makes sense to me.

Kwon Ji-Yong is a gifted artist. He's creative and he's driven and he has not stopped working since he was thirteen-years-old. He gave up having a normal life to pursue a dream, and you're doing everything you can to crush that dream. I really hope you feel proud of that, feel proud of taking an issue that a group of bitter internet users blew extremely out of proportion and running with it, making it unnecessary and absolutely pointless.

Don't you have better things to do with your time?

The K-Pop Addict


  1. Preach on girl! I mean really WTF??? Seriously! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GD is AMAZING! I support him 100% & I ALWAYS will.

  2. u go girl!!
    ugh. damn netizens. I want one artist to stand and say, "stfu netizens, stfu."

  3. tell like it is kpopaddict!

  4. I can't even post on Gov vs. GD articles anymore because I get so angry. Aaaaargh... just come to America GD we'll give you political asylum and a stage to perform on too, we'll even let you collab w/ Lady Gaga.

  5. This GD case is like a big joke, seriously.

    The government should fix more important issues.. like RACISM as an example. You know what happened recently to Drunken Tiger's son right?

    Just when everyone thinks that 2010 will be a better year for the K-Pop world...


  6. K-Pop Junkie1/06/2010 3:03 PM

    Damn Right!

  7. exactly~ couldn't have said it better!

  8. I was about to post something on this issue to.. Seriously... It's not GD who's being obscene or provocative...

    It's the people with dirty thoughts making that scene obscene and provocative.. Those maniacs!

    I'm so so angry with the article allkpop just released about GD's perf being obscene and provocative...

    It seems like Prosecutors want to have some FAME and media going around them.. and they're getting it.. LOL!

  9. That's exactly what I've been saying for the past few weeks. How dare they? Yeah, like the 12 year olds got there themselves! The parents knew exactly what was going on. And if they didn't then that's THEIR failures and it isn't GD's fault.

    They don't seem to talk about the other crap that might be "offensive" to children do they? Umm doesn't JPY shoot a woman in the head and then himself in his "Love No More" video? And hey, in T-ara's "Bo Peep" mv they have sex with men they just met! Where's the controversy on that?

    And I don't care what anyone says I also am angry with YG. I think they didn't have his back. Concerts aren't put together in a day and somebody had to have known what he was going to do. And did they stop him? No they didn't.

    And for the sake of argument, even if they didn't know. You don't claim to give your artist creative freedom and then when they get critisized for what they do you apologize for them. That apology really pissed me off. It's like that was their way of keeping themselves from looking bad as well.

    They should have stood up for him and said that the believed in him and belived that he did nothing wrong. Instead they said they were sorry for what he did and they're just accepting whatever punishment the government wants to give him. They're not even going to try to fight for him. As long as their hands are clean, that's all they care about.

    GD was their sacrificial lamb, and right now he's getting burned.

  10. Girl this mess ain't right! Netizens and other folk need to get their act together and correct themselves. You couldn't have said it better!

  11. AHA omg this post made my day. Nicely said. You should seriously consider sending this to them ( if that is possible)

    No offence to the krn government but they need to relax a bit. People here in North America see way worst performances and we are totally fine. I'm sure they won't die from seeing what they saw at GD's concert. Plus, its a natural thing in life anyways, their gonna do it someday and that's how they were conceived so why they so ashamed to show their kids that, they gotta learn some time.

  12. Gah. I really should've come back here sooner.

    All those comments at akp. (and from the writers or akp themselves! >.<)

    Anyway, WELL-SAID.

    Stupid netizens complain and complain. When they complained that SNSD was only taking 1200 cal a day, they said it was unhealthy.

    Then they poke fun at Tiffany's weight.

    Netizens (particularly, k-netizens) are one of the most irritating people I know.

    People who say that parents can't really watch over their kids 24/7, well, what did they tell their parents? I dunno, it seems to me, did a large group of underage kids watch? And all their parents didn't know?

    Uhm, lack of responsibility much?

  13. Btw, I'm not sure if you read omona. It's about freedom of expression for musicians... http://community.livejournal.com/omonatheydidnt/2397553.html

  14. Well said. *Applauds* Why do Netizens have to be such bitches?
    @CosmoQueen: I absolutely agree with you.
