
Young Sky? More Like Young Skunk


I will never understand why those evil cows are so determined to mess with perfection. Young Sky was fine, just fine, without them.

And now he looks like a skunk.

Awesome. Just ... awesome.

Did you pick up on the sarcasm? You should have. I'm sorry, I know it isn't his fault and I know I have bitched and bitched and bitched and B-I-T-C-H-E-D about how I hate Korean stylists more than any other group of people or thing on this planet ... but I just have to take it out a bit on Young Sky.

Complaint #1 - This has been done before. Yesung. Super Junior. Ringing a bell?


What the hell ever happened to "originality," people?


Complaint #3 - Yes, when Master GD was blonde, I hated it at first. Then I accepted it, embraced it, loved it. Do I believe that any other Asian man needs to take a crack at being blonde? No. Even just a little blonde? Hell no. You might remind me of G Baby, Young Sky, but just because I kind-of-sort-of want GD's hair blonde again doesn't mean I will accept you with the same, open arms.

Complaint #4 - Why blonde? Why not red? Or green? Or freaking neon pink? Key switches it up on us, he's a little daring. ANYTHING BUT THE SKUNK LOOK.

Complaint #5 - Why didn't you buy your stylist a donut and a cup of coffee before they did this to you? A little act of kindness goes a long way.

Complaint #6 - I see you and Peter trying to give us all the seductive, bedroom look. You're trying to distract us from your hair. Do you seriously learn this in K-Pop 101?

I have the biggest urge to just call you Y-Skunk until this heinous hairstyle is gone.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do.



  1. LMAO. Yesung was the first thing that came to mind. We're supposed to learn from the past, people. D':

  2. oh wow, I swear my guess on twitter was before I read your article. That's hilarious, but as you know I completely agree! This is the worst dye job they could have possible done. Honestly, I can't even believe Young Sky agreed to it.

  3. Who is the guy on the right side of the picture above? I think he looks hawt.*drools* If he's the one you're complaining about you are blind.Lol Or we just have different tastes I guess.:P

  4. I don't think it looks that bad, and it could always be a lot worse. Case in point Yesung...the skunk hair wasn't too bad (It grew on me), but then it was a weird orange color for a few weeks. No...just no.

  5. I don't mind the blonde at all but the blonde/black combo is just so icky. Why the hell did he let them do this to him?? :-(

  6. When i saw it i instantly relived the Yesung hair incident too. lmao now comparing photos, they are a lot more similar than i thought ... LOL
    he still fine though
