
Eli's Boxers - Step One Complete


Yes, I actually did put that there. And yes, it is freaking genius.

Think about it ... if Eli does actually wear them, the link is in a prime location to where he'd see it every time he uses the bathroom. He'd think, "Oh, I need to check out TKPA's site and see the latest cracktastic things she has written." And if he walks around the dorm in his underwear, the other members will see it and also think the same thing.

If you ask why they would be looking at his crotch ... well, it's like a car accident. You have to look at one when you drive by. You just have to. You don't know why you do it, but you just do it. Seeing writing in a place where writing does not belong will attract the eyes of U-Kiss.

And that's the whole point, really.

Well, I don't want to attract the eyes of Jailbait DongHo. No, he still has a few more years to go. But soon enough, word will spread like wildfire through the K-Pop male idols that there is this rabid white girl who lives in America and writes the most dirty and delicious posts known to every fan girl (and boy! I know you're out there reading these posts and laughing your ass off!) of the K-Pop world.

Oh, yes.

The boxers still are not done. I am going to put the finishing touches on them tomorrow and then I will mail them out to @jennykoi so she can hand-deliver them to Eli on the 26th. You all just have to remind me not to censor myself and be clean after that date, because subconsciously I will do that.



  1. and like a moth to a flame he'll become drawn to the site, lol

  2. I'm banking 100% on the curiosity factor of it all lol

  3. lol i hope he does stop by and see what we have to say *o*

  4. u should cut a hole right in the...naw that would be too much O_O lol

  5. HAHAHA... wow i'm CERTAIN he'll visit this site now

  6. you were already mentioned by Chance so this idea makes you known by the U-KISS boys. xD

    send them soon~! ^_^

  7. aw man i really love your blogs
    I'm partly obsessed with U-Kiss and love that you're talking about them :D
