
TKPA has Recruited Help

Yes, there will be a new writer here on the blog. I know I've been slacking in posting as much as I ought to (or would like to), and so the solution is to find someone who will help take over so you all don't feel abandoned.

And I'm pretty sure you all know CJ. If not, you'll get to know her very quickly and you will come to love her.

Until she makes her first post (she's learning all the technical stuff, because this stuff actually takes work), you can welcome her below or follow her on Twitter. She will also occasionally be on the TKPA Twitter account to tweet links and talk to you all.

There are still a few more posts to come tonight, so stick with me and comment!

Welcome CJ and thanks for helping out :)



  1. CJ!!!! I LOVE U & MISS YOU!!
    can't wait to see what you be posting!!!
    *bows down to the queen* lol.

  2. Hey there!
    Can't wait to read what you write.
    Should we, as readers, be excited or terrified?

  3. yey~! TKPA's #1 blogstalker is finally gonna write here at TKPA! ^_^

    i'm expecting lotsa Dae posts. haha! :))

    TKPA's #2 blogstalker. xD

  4. @jennykoi, if you're #2 blogstalker, then what number am i? :o LOL!!

  5. SHINEE COMEBACK!!! please do a post about it :)

  6. That's just awesome!

    Wow I've been really outdated, but CJ's so lucky!
    Welcome CJ
